That’s it. Someone needs to say it, so let me be the first, everybody needs to chill the fu*k out! My God, what happened to fun, jokes and parody in this world? I understand being sensitive to the feeling of other people, but how about being so over hyper sensitive, everything becomes offensive.
What you ask is triggering this DAD infused rant, no, it’s not angry mommies (for once) it’s Canada. Yup America’s Hat has gone too far, specifically a 1,120-word essay in The McGill Daily by Ralph Haddad. Reported in the Daily Caller.
Haddad has a problem with Movember claiming the entire concept discriminates against transgender people by linking masculinity “to secondary male characteristics, including having a prostate” and the ability to grow facial hair.
“To be completely clear, you don’t have to be a man to have a prostate, and you don’t have to have a prostate to be a man,” Haddad proclaims.
He goes on to say that Movember “implies an archaic view of gender that implies that only a male/female gender binary exists, and that you aren’t really a man if you don’t necessarily identify with that binary.”
Haddad asks: “How are people who do not identify with that binary and have a prostate supposed to partake in this cause?”
Donate! Duh! Just like men who don’t have breasts donate to breast cancer research or adults donate to pediatric cancer! You donate! God why is this so hard.
Since we are completely off our rockers, lets not celebrate Christmas, because Santa is white and Mrs. Clause seems to be a subservient woman who sits around, knits, makes cookies and keeps the elves in check. Kwanza is too black and Chinese New Year is too Asian, Horse Racing discriminates against the tall.
Then Haddad claims that Movember is racist, because black men are twice as likely to get prostate cancer than white men but most of the people celebrating Movember are white. They are not celebrating black men getting cancer, they are doing what they can to prevent prostate and testicular cancer, black, white, yellow or even Canadian!
Haddad argues claims “campaigns like Movember help perpetuate” micro-aggressions–which he defines as “interactions between people of different races, genders, sexualities, and cultures that represent small acts of non-physical violence.”
“Do some basic research, educate yourself on the issue, and think twice before growing a moustache this, or any other, November,” Haddad implores.
As far as Movember, St. Baldricks or Tattoo your Testies goes, my mother passed away from cancer and until the day I leave this earth I will be doing what I can with what I have to wipe out this horrible disease.
McGill the university that Haddad attends calls itself the Harvard of Canada, once again proving that even stupid people can get into good schools.
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