I am not a “comic book guy.” As a matter of fact the last comic book I really understood was Calvin and Hobbes, after that, nada.
I am a guy who appreciates passion and Onrie Kompan is one passionate dude. He is the DAD behind the comic book or is it graphic novel YI SOON SHIN
Onrie and DAD met at a Little Gym where both of our babies crawl around and drool on stuff, that’s where I learned about YI SOON SHIN and was given a copy.
Not being a comic book guy, I wasn’t sure what to expect, however just opening up YI SOON SHIN and looking around, you could see that this was light years ahead of Archie and Jughead.
YI SOON SHIN is based on a real story, not on a planet far, far away with a sex-bot. It’s based on the life Korean Admiral that battled the Japanese in the 1500’s. He was outnumbered 10 to 1 and beat them 23 times in a row without losing. Think 300 meets LAST SAMURAI. Like STAR WARS, YI SOON SHIN is set up as a trilogy.
The story, graphics and writing are top notch, so top notch that Stan Lee wrote the forward.
Onrie traveled to South Korea multiple times in order to do research for the book and worked with historians and the Korean military to make sure that all the major events in the book are portrayed accurately.
The research and passion show on every page of YI SOON SHIN, which by the way is self published. Onrie travels to conventions all over the country and hand sells his books. Last year, he went to 18 shows and sold out at 14 of them consecutively and ended up moving more than 11,000 books. To date, Onrie sold over 25,000 books through grass roots selling.
Onrie is a DAD who took an idea, made it real and is working his tail off to keep his dream alive and support his family, something worth supporting.
To learn more about YI SOON SHIN or to order a copy click here. To like the YI SOON SHIN Facebook page and show Onrie your support click here.