It’s Movember the time of year when guys grow mustaches to help raise awareness and money for prostate cancer and testicular cancer research.
Men all over America (DAD included) are growing out their facial fur as a symbol of support. I personally will by dyeing mine with Just for Men, because it’s grey as hell! My “wolf pack name” would be Grey Pubes The Wolf, awoooohhhhh!!!!
Anyway, until recently Movember has left the lady folk wondering “since I can’t fully grow a mustache, how can I help support Movember?” Or something like that.
Well ladies on November 18th it’s National Have Sex with a Guy Who Has A Mustache Day! Show your favorite mustachioed man how much you care with a little TLC (couldn’t think of any thing dirty for TLC??).
The video below from will explain everything more clearly, just in case you’re thinking DAD made this up to get a little mustache ride. The reason we are posting this a few days early is to give our non-mustachioed brothers a last chance to grow out a little lip foliage so they don’t miss out on the fun, loving and a chance to help spread the word about Movember.
Everybody hates cancer. Cancer is a real a-hole, cancer is a Glen Beck loving, dog kicking S.O.B, that needs to be stopped! Ladies this is your chance to use your vagina to make a difference. Love a man in a lip sweater and Have Sex with a Guy Who Has A Mustache.
To learn more about Movember, click here.
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