I have never watched the Wendy Williams show before in my life. To be honest, the only reason I had the show on was because I was adjusting my surround sound and needed “noise.”
Between the “noise” of Wendy Williams I heard something so disturbing, it made me stop tweaking my Bose(not dirty) to sit and listen in shock.
Wendy was ranting about Madonna and her son using the “N” word on stage. In the middle of her rant she got very emotional and started to talk about how Madonna and her son are so very close and how Wendy’s son “hates her.”
Williams breaks down into “tears” and says, on national TV “What I discovered this weekend is that my son doesn’t even like me any more.” Cue the audience “Awwwww.” Then out of the blue, Kleenex appears for a “crying” Williams, lucky coincidence.
Wendy does say, “I’m grateful he does have his father,” but then goes on to say “ I know he’s 13 and he’s all into his father…it’s breaking my heart…he says things to me like why are you so pissed?” More “Awwww” from the audience.
Williams now gets angry and answers her 13 year old sons question on camera as if they are having a conversation “like I’m pissed all the time, like I am the one with the problem!”
On national TV, Wendy Williams is saying to complete strangers that her son, who she loves, accuses him of “having a problem.” Damage done.
Then a mommy from the audience, yells “we love you Wendy!” And magically everything is better.
I don’t know her son and their relationship, but if she wants a few quick parenting tips on how to get along with your kids, the top tip would be “don’t shame them on national television to get the sympathy of your viewers!” I have a 14 year old daughter and I am painfully aware of her teenaged emotions and what I can and can’t say on this or any other blog.
Williams goes on to make fun of the relationship of her husband and son, complaining that they do everything together and she is “left there alone.”
You have to be kidding me. She not only takes a shot at her son, but her husband for always being there for her son. Lady you have been under the hot lights way too long.
I have worked on talk shows before as a producer and the one thing I know is they are “family killers.” There’s a reason Oprah makes her employees sign a vow of silence. They are long hours, with lots of changes and nobody goes home until the show is ready. If you have a family, you better pray that you have a strong support system or it’s over, fast.
Wendy Williams you are a hypocritical, ignorant wind bag who only needs to look in the mirror to see the monster you have become to your son.
You want your son to love you, or even like you? Then wipe off the tons of make up and step away from the show and spend some time with him. Not on a red carpet, not on an expensive vacation, just be with him.
Follow the example of your husband on how to be a great parent.
How dare you make fun of the relationship your son has built with your husband so you can blab your butt off on national TV, shaming your husband and son.
You Wendy Williams are a bully. You are using your show to bully your son’s affections.
Wendy Williams how about a show on father’s who have stepped away from their careers to be role models, leaders and shapers of young men and women. From the sounds of it, if anyone is desperate for attention, as sad as it sounds, it’s your poor son. His mother seems to care more about ratings than her family.