Maybe you’ve heard this urban legend- The parents come home after a night out, to find the babysitter passed out on the couch, barely able to move or speak. The parents are in a panic that something horrible has happened to her, then they discover, she is not sick, but stoned and seeking therapy at The babysitter found the parents “gummies” mistaking them for candy, ate a bunch and is now experiencing a Cheech and Chong moment.

The thing about urban legends, is there is usually an ounce of truth and some learning to be gained from these tall tales, true or not. I know I am not drinking a Coke and eating Pop Rocks any time soon!
If you live in Illinois where cannabis (the fancy way of saying pot) becomes legal on January 1, 2020 or one of the other states where the Mary Jane is free to fly, then you are facing a brave new world, full of fun, munchies and of course questions on how to enjoy a doobie and also be safe.
Think about it, it’s no longer your parents putting a black Sharpie line on their bottles of booze to see if you have been sipping at their stash. Keeping your cannabis out of the reach of the kids and even pets is something to think about before you smoke some sticky icky.
Now that gummies and edibles look like, gummies and chocolates, relying on kids to tell the difference between a Sour Patch kid and a Stoney Patch Gummy (a real thing) is too much for them to handle.

Believe it or not, even if you have never digested an edible or smoked a fatty before, your body and brain is better equipped to handle the high than that of a child, according to Children’s Hospital Colorado- “The most common overdose incidents in children occur when the drug has been combined with food in an “edible” form of marijuana. This is because marijuana ingested in this manner can have a stronger and prolonged effect, especially in children under the age of 12 years old.
In these instances, kids mistake “edible” marijuana (like gummy bears, brownies, lollipops, etc.) for regular food and eat it unknowingly. Small children are at higher risk based on their size and weight. Because edible products have very high amounts of marijuana, the symptoms are more severe on a small child. Many young children who consume marijuana edibles require hospital admission due to the severity of their symptoms. “
So, what’s the best course of action? To hide your Maui- Wowie “someplace they won’t find it?” Impossible! Kids find everything. To be clear, kids find everything you don’t want them to find- Drugs , sex toys, guns, gifts etc. Kids can’t find, the toilet bowl, their socks, gloves, hats, lunch box and on and on and on!
I digress. Kids find everything. To be naïve enough to believe they won’t find your magical bag of goodies is well, silly.
I may have an “interest” in making sure my “stuff” is safe and secure, so I did some research and found a cool company called Caynga, they make hard shell, lockable cases for your stash. That simple. It’s not a gun locker or a safe, because, you don’t need “that” much security, but they are secure, designed for cannabis users in mind and range in price from $30 for a small case- $90 for a large case, depending on how much you have to keep secure. If you want additional home security, you can click here for cctv installation.

According to Eaze Insights about 65% of new users have underage children living in the household, which further underscores the need for discretion and security.
It’s provides security but also peace of mind.NOTE– I have only read about Caynga and have yet to try their products, they are not paying me or giving me anything for this review.

I was sent the medium and XL or “Journey” Canyga to test and review and simply put they are both great at keeping things locked up and out of reach.
The medium is more compact and easy to carry as well as hide from plain sight. The XL, well this is not only the pinnacle of safety but storage. I am not going into too much personal detail, but let’s say it can store a lot and there’s still room for more. A lot.

The party is just getting started in the American cannabis world and as it gets bigger and more states legalize it, the more need for protecting your kids and pets from unfortunate mishaps. That being said, it makes sense to have an innovation like Caynga in your home.

If you’re going to spend $50-$100 on a 500mg cartridge, why not invest the same amount in making sure it’s safe and your kids are as well?
And now… Because I wasn’t kidding about doing a lot of research, here is a very long list of other names for cannabis.