This is in fact a post about Cirque du Soleil’s new show Volta coming to Chicago and a great discount, but give me a minute, because I have a point to make. If you don’t want to wait, scroll down, click on the link to get your tickets and discount. Okay, here I go.

Marriage is not easy.
Anyone who tells you that “marriage is easy” is either not married or has a medical marijuana card and now really, nothing is hard for them.
Marriage with kids is not easy. It’s like a new layer of not easy on top of the not easy sandwich. Like adding chips to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, because you like the crunch, only to get a part of the chip lodged between your teeth, which you can’t seem to get out, then it gets infected and….well you get the idea.
Marriage and kids is hard. Not bad. Just hard.
We got that part out of the way.

Now that we have three, count them three kids ranging from ages nineteen to six years old, we are a developmental cesspool. There isn’t a moment of a day, week, month or year, where someone isn’t “going through something.” Puberty, learning how to read, sorority rush, tying your shoes, you name it, we cover it all in a twenty four hour period. Wash, rinse repeat.
Again, not bad just hard.
Vacation with kids is hard. We will cover that in another post, because this post is about the parenting “unicorn” otherwise known as vacation without kids.
You see we haven’t had a vacation without kids in over five years.
I know, I know, you go everywhere with your kids, you make organic meals from your organic garden, then play board games, read books together and fall asleep in your family bed, under the quilt you all made together. Good for you, call me an. A-hole and a bad parent in the comments below.
Shall we move on.
We don’t have the luxury of a large family and grandparents who are close to help out. We have little to no help as a matter of fact. So the many logistics we have to pull off to take a small three day vacation is like coordinating, well… umm… a weekend itinerary with three kids… It’s a lot!

So far, in the last five years we have planned and had to cancel two separate vacations, because of sick kids. Each time as we were packing our bags, someone in the “developmental cesspool” truly went off the rails and needed us, more than we needed 72 hours of rest. It’s part of “the deal.”
The last incident was earlier this year, when we had to scrap our plans to go to Vegas for 72 hours of food, shows and sleep.

As we frantically cancelled hotels, flights and reservations, the one thing that really bummed us out was having to cancel seeing Cirque du Soleil-One at Mandalay Bay. When I asked friends on Facebook, “what should we see and do?” This show or really any Cirque, was one of the common themes.
Oddly enough as I called the Mandalay Bay to try and find a person, who might be able to understand the plight of the suburban middle class parent, I felt anxiety rising in my body. It is after all “Vegas,” and a casino. If you’re in Canada and need money to play casino games, then click here for a tutorial. You can also visit sites like for additional guidance. Better yet, try out other games such as playojo en français for more chances of winning. Online casinos also offer a wide variety of slot games that can help relieve your stress. You can also check out level up pokies here. Or, try out for new games.

After hitting “zero” a few dozen times on the automated phone system, a human got onto the line. Anxiety at full tilt as I told Lanuola the concierge from Mandalay Bay my story. I was sure I would get a very friendly and cold “script read,” that informed me, “sorry dude, you are out luck, money and time…thanks for calling the Mandalay Bay.”
Instead, Lanuola, listened and then put me on hold. I was sure, she put me on hold to laugh with her colleagues about another middle class, suburban rube who “thinks he can get his money back from a Las Vega casino!!! Baaawahaahahah!!”
I remember Lanoula’s name not because it’s a cool name, but she did in fact “listen to me,” and not read from a script. When she got back on the line she had processed a refund and also had some very kind words for me, as a parent. It was great customer service, and in a world where everyone loves to share the “negative” on the internet, pointing out something positive is what is deserved is this situation, so way to go Lanuloa!
So, now the part about Cirque du Soleil and their new show Volta. It may be years before we get to go to Vegas or really anywhere alone and that’s how our life is, we can be really mad or make the best out of our situation.

Cirque du Soleil was at the top of our “must see list,” and now we can check that off our list when their new show Volta comes to Chicago from May 18th To July 6th under the “big top” At Soldier Field.
What is Volta? You ask? I have no idea, but it’s Cirque du Soleil and honestly, if they are creating it, traveling to Chicago, renting Soldier Field, it can’t be bad. Come on.
Here’s more on Volta, you know, since you made it this far.

Energetic, urban and contemporary, VOLTA is a captivating voyage of discovery that showcases never-before-seen under the Big Top acrobatics in a visually striking world. Driven by a stirring melodic score and inspired in part by the adventurous spirit that fuels the culture of street sports, VOLTA is a story of transformation. It is about being true to oneself, fulfilling one’s true potential, and recognizing one’s own power to make it possible. Ultimate freedom comes with self-acceptance, and with the liberation of the judgment of others.
BMX & Street Sports
The creators of VOLTA drew inspiration from the spirit of adventure that pervades the world of BMX, street sports and acrobatics. Whether they are on a bike, hopping from rooftop to rooftop, or double dutch rope skipping, urban sports enthusiasts constantly challenge themselves and defy convention.

Sure to be a Chicago crowd pleaser, VOLTA features a full-blown BMX park mounted on stage in front of the audience’s very eyes for the breathtaking BMX finale as riders invade the stage to deliver a jaw-dropping, fast and furious performance of nonstop acrobatics on wheels. The riders go up the jump boxes and perform air tricks before landing and leaping off the ramps again, crisscrossing and spinning their bikes in midair in a spirit of brotherhood.
Right. It sounds amazing. I mean look at this picture!

So, we may never make it to Vegas but the show is coming to us, to all of us and you know we will be there.
Here’s a link to get your tickets-
Here at last is a code to get 15% off. 15VOLTA.