Canada, remember her? The last time we saw Canada, Matt Lauer was up there with thousands of Olympic athletes celebrating the spirit of competition. Then, the Olympic flame went black, everyone left and Canada became a tourist destination for octogenarians looking for cheap meds. and good hard stiffies.
Now thanks to Walt Disney and the February 25th release of Frozen on DVD, my kids are begging to go to Canada!
That’s because Disney has opened a Frozen-inspired suite at Quebec City’s famed Hôtel de Glace. You know that hotel that’s all ice and snow and stuff.
Created entirely out of sculpted ice and snow and supervised by the film’s art director Michael Giaimo, the “Frozen Suite” is modeled after Anna & Elsa’s bedrooms. The collaboration will also include a “Frozen Activity Cave” bringing the wonder of Disney’s wintry tale to life like never before. The suite will be unveiled this weekend and remain open through March 23.
You can sleep in Anna and Elsa’s bedroom!!! Eeek! “DAD can we please go to Canada tomorrow? DAD how far is Canada? DAD if I eat all my food can we go to Canada?” And on and on!
10 minutes from downtown Québec City(where ever that is), the Hôtel de Glace is one of those must see places, With its huge snow vaults and its crystalline ice sculptures, the Hôtel de Glace impresses by its dazzling decor. The suite is open from January 3rd until March 23rd, 2014, if you can’t make it up to Canada, you can get Frozen on DVD on February 25, or to answer your kids many questions
38 days(form January18th)
1 month, 7 days
5 weeks, 3 days
26 weekdays
.01 of a year…Thank you Siri!
If you need a little Frozen fix before February 25th and not a fan of DAD on Facebook yet (click her to do that), then check out DAD’s version of one of the main songs from Frozen below, if you listen carefully you can hear the five year old begging me to stop singing.
For more information about Frozen, check out, like them on Facebook: and follow Frozen on Twitter:
FULL DISCLOSURE- I didn’t get squat for this. Not a DVD or an offer to bring my kids to Canada for a Frozen boondoggle, nada! My kids love Frozen and it’s cool news, so I thought I would share it. However, if anyone from Frozen want’s a VERY popular blogger to take his family up to “America’s Hat” to check out the Frozen suite, I can be bought.
For more information about Quebec City’s Hôtel de Glace, please visit